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Showing 223 results for "virginia photographer standing freedom"
  • … This Photographer Made It Clear: Censorship Is Not a Virginia … his deeply held beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published April 29, 2022 Revised May 21, 2024 Many of …
  • … Religious Freedom Prevails After Christian Orgs Challenge Virginia … Elenis . That court held that our client Lorie Smith had standing to challenge a similar Colorado law, but then ruled …
  • … ADF Seeking to Protect Women’s Sports in West Virginia Soccer player Lainey Armistead intervened in a lawsuit to defend fairness in women’s sports in West Virginia. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published December 7, 2021 Revised April 30, 2024 …
  • … Major Victory: Court Revives Lawsuit of Virginia Teacher Fired Over Compelled Pronouns Peter Vlaming, a high school French teacher in Virginia, was fired for respectfully declining to use … with biological sex. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published March 18, 2022 Revised January 10, 2024 …
  • … New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech Photographer Emilee Carpenter wants to create art consistent … have threatened her rights. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published January 6, 2023 Revised December 21, 2023 …
  • … What Is Freedom of Speech? There is a reason that America’s Founding … him at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. In Virginia, high-school French teacher Peter Vlaming was fired … to a female student. Thankfully, a strong ruling from the Virginia Supreme Court reinstating Peter’s case affirmed that …
  • … What Is Freedom? True freedom is not primarily a freedom ‘from’ external restraints or a freedom ‘to’ enact our own will but a freedom ‘for’ something …
  • … Is Religious Freedom Discrimination? Here’s why religious freedom is a social good and not discrimination. Written by … of religion or freedom from religion. Section 16 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, adopted in 1776, encapsulates …
  • … What Is Alliance Defending Freedom? Alliance Defending Freedom exists to advance the God-given right to freely live and speak the truth. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published May 24, 2023 Revised March 18, 2024 …
  • … What Is Freedom of Conscience, and Why Does It Matter? The freedom of … the freedoms of filmmakers , calligraphers , and a photographer to create artwork proclaiming their views on … designer to a Christian tattoo artist, a Muslim wedding photographer, and a cake artist who hold different views …