Attacks on Pregnancy Centers Are Increasing. Your Gift Now Helps Protect Their Rights.

Pregnancy centers provide much-needed care for women with unplanned pregnancies.

But officials in California, New York, New Jersey, Washington, and other states are trying to silence these centers so they can’t continue reaching these women and their unborn children.

These centers have been unjustly targeted in an effort to chill their speech and keep them from sharing about life-affirming options like Abortion Pill Reversal.

As a result of these threats from state officials, women might not get the help and resources they need.

Plus, more lives may be lost to abortion because women may not hear about the opportunity to reverse their chemical abortion, should they regret their decision after taking the first of two chemical abortion drugs.

These pregnancy centers are the latest targets of abortion activists in their efforts to undermine life and promote a radical pro-abortion agenda in a post-Roe culture.

With your help, we’re standing up to the reckless overreach of government officials and defending the rights of these centers to speak openly about options like Abortion Pill Reversal.

Your gift today plays a critical role in challenging the unconstitutional, unreasonable attacks on pregnancy centers, so that more women can receive the care they need and more babies are protected from the threat of abortion.

Please give whatever you can today to support pregnancy centers and other ADF clients targeted by government overreach. Thank you for your generosity!

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