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Help Defend Jack Phillips

The Colorado Supreme Court has agreed to hear the latest case against cake artist and Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips. Will you help fuel his defense?

In the third lawsuit targeting Jack and his business, the Colorado Court of Appeals affirmed a judgment punishing Jack for not creating a custom pink-and-blue cake celebrating a gender transition, which was requested by an activist attorney.

Alliance Defending Freedom appealed that decision to the state’s high court, which will hear the case.

But we can’t defend Jack—or any of our clients—without the help of people like you.

After more than ten years, Jack Phillips is still standing for his right to speak freely. Even though the State of Colorado abandoned its prosecution of the cake artist, a local attorney is now going after Jack in civil court.

What’s happened to Jack is a blatant example of activists targeting, harassing, and punishing those who disagree with their beliefs.

Opponents of freedom have worked to strip away your freedom to say what you believe without fear of government punishment. And they’re going to extreme lengths to punish those—like Jack—who are willing to stand for their faith.

With so much at stake, we cannot back down. Your financial support today—to be added to the $1 million challenge grant—is vital as we defend Jack at the Colorado Supreme Court and protect free speech for all Americans.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!