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First Amendment Guide Cover

We’re Standing for You – Join Us!

Your freedom of speech is under threat, and it's time to take a stand together! The First Amendment, a cornerstone of our Constitution, guarantees your right to express your thoughts and opinions without fear of government punishment.

Alliance Defending Freedom is here for you. 

We understand not every American feels equipped to address the topic of free speech. Not only does our team of legal experts understand its intricacies, but we also actively stand for Americans whose rights have been challenged. 

And—we are effective. We win nearly 80% of our cases. These wins are crucial for you to live out your deeply held beliefs.

In fact, ADF has played various roles in 72 Supreme Court victories, and since 2011, we have directly represented parties in 15 victories at the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Stand with us today and fill out the form below to receive valuable insights and information about your freedoms. Your first email will include our new guide: Setting the Record Straight: 3 Lies About the First Amendment.

Together, we can safeguard our precious liberties and work to ensure that the American spirit of free expression thrives.

Get ready to unleash the power of free speech—join us!