Multiply your impact!

Each year, hundreds of critical legal battles affecting your religious freedom and the freedoms of countless others are waged with the help of the ADF Grants and Funding program.

In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests!

Your tax-deductible gift today will help the Grants and Funding program respond to the growing threats to your most cherished freedoms and your brothers and sisters in Christ. We never want to turn down an important grant because of a lack of funds.

Every $1 you give today can have up to four times the impact thanks to the donated time and resources of ADF network attorneys. Your gift of $50 could have the impact of $200. Your gift of $100 could have the impact of $400!

So don’t wait! Make your best gift today and help ensure ADF network attorneys are prepared to defend your God-given liberties in critical cases ahead.

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