Help Stop the Indoctrination of Kids

Your gift will help protect parents and teachers, and stop discrimination against children!

Every child deserves to be treated equally and fairly.

Students in some public schools are being indoctrinated in the teachings of a radical ideology sometimes called “critical theory” or “critical race theory.”

Children are being told that:

  • They are “oppressed” or an “oppressor”—good or bad—based solely on the color of their skin.
  • Their race determines their outcome in life.
  • The American system of government must be replaced.

CRT, an offshoot of Critical Theory, cynically views rights and freedoms—like free speech—as mere tools for the “powerful” to control the “oppressed.”

Students and teachers who dissent from these race-based indoctrination programs are threatened with punishment.

This isn’t just happening in big-city schools. It’s not just in certain states. It’s all over the nation. And it’s a problem that should concern us all.

Schools shouldn’t be ideological battlegrounds. No child should be indoctrinated. Especially not in theories that tell them should be treated differently because of the color of their skin.

Racism is wrong. Every person is created in the image of God and deserving of equal treatment and respect.

But the solution to racism isn’t more (or different) racism.

The U.S. Constitution forbids racially discriminatory treatment of students, as do state constitutions and state laws. Schools with policies that promote racism are in direct violation of the law.

With the help of Ministry Friends like you, Alliance Defending Freedom is challenging these tools of indoctrination in public schools, including by:

  • Filing a lawsuit against the Albemarle County School Board in Virginia on behalf of multiple families for its racist and discriminatory policy.  
  • Filing a second lawsuit against the Albemarle School Board for creating a racially hostile work environment that forced an assistant principal to leave her job.

More lawsuits are on their way to fight this problem that students nationwide are facing.

But this is no small undertaking. We need your help to fight these crucial cases to victory.

With a gift today, you can help fund this multi-pronged legal strategy designed to stop the indoctrination of kids in radical ideologies and protect the rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their religious freedom, free speech, and the rights of parents..

Please give today!

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