Your Support Is Helping Make a Difference for Parents like the Meads

When Dan and Jennifer Mead discovered that their daughter’s school had been actively hiding her struggle with gender identity from them, they knew they couldn’t be silent.

They pushed back against the school’s deceptive actions—for their daughter’s sake, and for parents everywhere.

Because no parent should be deceived about their child’s health and wellbeing.

With the support of ADF, the Meads are challenging their school district to help stop this from happening in their community and yours.

But none of this would be possible without the help of friends like you.

Your generous partnership and steadfast prayers are helping make a difference for families like the Meads. It’s the gifts from our Ministry Friends that ensure these clients have a legal defense in court during their time of need, at no cost to them.

And they know you’re praying for them, too. That gives them strength and encouragement to keep up this legal battle even when it feels daunting and heavy.

Thank you for standing alongside families like the Meads to protect parents’ rights, and the right for all to live and speak according to their beliefs. Support from our partners is making an impact now and for eternity.  


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