Commit to Pray for One Life

Did you know that when a baby in the womb is just a little over five weeks old, you can already detect her heartbeat?

Unborn life is priceless. And yet, since 1973, the abortion industry has been selling the country lies: that unborn life is really just a clump of cells, and abortion doesn’t hurt women.

But we know that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Life in the womb is valuable, with characteristics that reflect our Creator’s design. And abortion carries huge risks for the mother, often resulting in medical complications and higher rates of depression.

This Sanctity of Life Sunday presents a special opportunity for us to come together and pray for unborn children and their mothers.

Today, will you commit to praying for just one unborn life to be saved?

Thank you. You’re helping create a culture that values babies and their mothers.

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