Be Strong and Courageous in Defense of Religious Freedom

Today, many activists in power throughout state and local governments, large corporations, and America’s public schools target those who seek to live out their faith and speak the truth freely.

But, with your help, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is here to meet this moment.

ADF is a Christian legal ministry that exists to ensure all are free to share, hear, and live out the Gospel and advance the God-given right to live and speak the truth. We do this by protecting and advancing religious freedom, free speech, the right to life, marriage and the family, and parental rights.

Your gift to ADF right now will help challenge government attacks on the God-given and constitutional rights of Christians and all Americans—in courts, legislatures, and the public square.

In the last year, we received more than 5,300 requests for help.  But we rely on the generous gifts and partnership of friends like you to fund every case and project we take.

Your sacrificial gift will help ensure our clients—people like you—can stand boldly in court without the strain of crushing legal fees.

For each dollar you contribute today, your gift will help maximize the impact of a $287,000 challenge grant made possible by one of our generous Ministry Friends.

Thank you in advance for taking a stand and helping fund the work to undo the damage to religious freedom and fortify it for future generations!

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