Help us keep free speech “free”!
Free speech is under attack in America. Students from elementary school to graduate school are silenced for expressing their beliefs. Christian counselors are told what they can and can’t discuss with their clients. Governments are using their power to censor views they disagree with.
Those are not the values our country was founded upon.
Free speech is only “free” if we can say what we believe—without fear of government punishment.
Sign the national “I Support Free Speech” pledge today! We need your voice to help send a message that restoring a culture that encourages and fosters free speech is critical. That’s how our country has successfully navigated complicated and contentious issues in the past.
As a ‘thank-you’ for signing the pledge, you’ll get instant access to our helpful guide to understanding the First Amendment! In The First Amendment: 3 Myths and 3 Facts, you’ll get the answers to these questions (and more):
- Can the government silence speech it finds “offensive”?
- Is “dangerous” speech something the government can censor?
- Does the First Amendment protect unpopular speech from private (non-government) consequences?
Alliance Defending Freedom is committed to standing for free speech—your right to say what you believe. Make sure to add your voice and support our efforts to change the legal landscape and impact the culture—sign the national “I Support Free Speech” pledge today!