Your link to download our FREE guide to gender theory is on the way to your inbox! Inside you’ll find the information you need to equip yourself with the truth for conversations with friends and family.
But you don’t have to wait to make a difference for the next generation—you can help fuel Alliance Defending Freedom’s work today. We’re standing in the courtroom with female athletes, students, parents, teachers, and others to push back against the damage gender theory is doing to free speech, parental rights, fairness and safety for girls and women, and healthy development for our children.
Denying the reality that we are created male or female is dangerous, and we must boldly speak the truth.
Will you make a difference today with a gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more right now? You’ll be fueling critical cases across the country—defending the freedoms of parents and teachers in Virginia, female athletes in Connecticut, counselors in Washington State, and many more.
Thanks for your support.