Parents—not the government—know and love their children best

But today, many school and government officials are undercutting the important role mothers and fathers play in their children’s lives. This is happening more and more…all across the country.

School staff tell kids there are more than two genders and they may have been “born in the wrong body.” Oregon prevents Christians and other people of faith from adopting or fostering children because they won’t promote gender ideology.  

School employees secretly help vulnerable kids to “socially transition” at school without parents’ knowledge.

Just ask Dan and Jennifer Mead.

A Michigan school district began treating the couple’s middle-school daughter as a boy…without their knowledge or consent.

Officials used male pronouns and a masculine name when referring to her at school, and then scrubbed any reference to the masculine name in the documents provided to the parents. They also were sure to use the Meads’ daughter’s real name in conversation with her parents.

Only an error—a faculty member accidentally leaving the masculine name in a record shared with the parents—led the Meads to discover what was happening in secret at school.

You can imagine how upset the Meads were with the school when they found out what was happening to their daughter.

This is a blatant violation of their rights and role as parents. 

Only an error—a faculty member accidentally leaving the male name in a record shared with the parents—led the Meads to discover what was happening in secret at school.

You can imagine how upset the Meads were with the school when they found out what was happening to their daughter.

This is a blatant violation of their rights and role as parents. 

Parents, not the government, have the right and duty to raise and educate their children.

Alliance Defending Freedom fights against attempts to infringe on your rights as a parent. We protect your fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and healthcare of your children by advocating for parents and children in court and promoting good laws and policies.

Before you go, would you consider taking an additional step to support parental rights?

As a nonprofit, we advocate for our clients in court free of charge, to ensure parental rights are strongly defended.

When you give today, you help people defend their God-given rights.

With your help, parents like the Meads have the support they need to push back against government overreach and stand for your rights.

You can join the fight by making a gift right now using the secure form below.

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