Confronting Religious Discrimination: A Guide for Foster & Adoptive Parents
When the government discriminates against foster/adoptive parents based on their religious beliefs, children are harmed. These kids need a forever home—not political ideology.
Christians and the church have been key to providing resources and open arms to vulnerable children for hundreds of years. The earliest orphanages in North America were created by dedicated Christian groups, and these faithful people continue to lead the way today.
Yet, some state officials now reject Christian and other religious families—forcing children to wait longer for a loving home—because they disagree with the government’s position on issues like sexuality and gender.
That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom has created this new, free guide: Confronting Religious Discrimination: A Guide for Foster & Adoptive Parents, to equip you with the facts. In the guide you’ll find:
- The important role Christians have historically played in adoption and foster care
- How children in need are harmed when people of faith are discriminated against because of their faith
- What ADF is doing to help protect the rights of families so they can keep their doors open to take in children
- And more
We’re proud to stand with loving families willing to open their hearts and homes to children in need.