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  • Caroline C. Lindsay serves as senior counsel on Alliance Defending Freedom’s Appellate Advocacy Team.
  • David Demirbilek serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. He primarily assists members of the Church and Ministry Alliance with protecting their constitutional freedoms and navigating religious liberty issues. Prior to joining ADF, Demirbilek’s legal experience included service as counsel for U.S. Senator Tom Coburn on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Additionally, he has served directly in a wide variety of church ministry positions, from counseling in clerical disciplinary matters to leading church music ministries. Demirbilek earned his J.D ...
  • Billy Atwell serves as senior vice president of communications with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Andrew J. Spangenberg serves as Director of Allied Legal Affairs with Alliance Defending Freedom. Spangenberg leads the Allied Legal Affairs team, which is dedicated to recruiting, engaging with, and strategically deploying more than 4,700 attorneys aligned with ADF’s mission to protect and promote life, religious liberty, free speech, marriage and family, and parental rights. Attorneys in ADF’s network have played important roles in hundreds of precedent-setting matters and many victories at the U.S. Supreme Court, including serving as lead or co-counsel alongside ADF attorneys in several ...
  • Natalie D. Thompson serves as senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, where her practice in the regulatory litigation group focuses on federal administrative law’s impact on religious freedom and the sanctity of life.
  • Allison Pope serves as legal counsel for the Center for Life at Alliance Defending Freedom, where she defends pro-life laws and organizations.
  • Kathryn Homoki serves as Communications Integrity Specialist & Writer at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Kathleen Barceleau serves as legal counsel for Allied Legal Affairs and Advocacy Strategy at Alliance Defending Freedom. In that role, she works to coordinate and deploy network attorneys to further ADF’s mission and conducts research in support of ADF’s strategic plans. Before joining ADF, Barceleau was Of Counsel at Fusion Law, where she focused on financial regulation and policy issues. Previously, she served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Kansas, where she represented Kansas and its officials in civil rights and constitutional litigation in both state and federal courts ...