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- Washington State treated Christ’s Church of Mt. Spokane and Westgate Chapel differently than secular businesses.
- Skyline Wesleyan Church took a stand after a California agency required elective abortion coverage to be added to churches' employee health-care plans.
- The Frederick Douglass Foundation was silenced because government officials didn’t like its message.
- After ADF filed a lawsuit on behalf of Hermiston Christian School, the state changed its policies to allow private schools to reopen for in-person instruction.
- As a result of a Washington state law, one church’s health insurer put surgical abortion coverage directly into the church’s health plan.
- A pro-life pregnancy center in Connecticut saw its free speech rights threatened by the local government.
- Photographer and blogger Chelsey Nelson challenged an unjust Louisville law that violated her rights to free speech and religious freedom.
- Dr. Dovid Schwartz challenged a New York City law that would have limited his free speech as a psychotherapist.
- New York government agencies tried to punish New Hope Family Services because of the adoption provider’s religious beliefs.
- ADF is focused on achieving five Generational Wins—transforming law and culture for generations to come.