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- A state appeals board has reversed a $25,000 tax bill that had been levied against a Phoenix-area Christian day care center run by a church.
- Court lifts injunction against Forsyth County prayer policy
- Activists sue to overturn Virginia’s marriage amendment
- Same-sex couples sue to overturn Oklahoma’s definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
- Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
- University limits free speech on campus
- Federal government requires private, Christian liberal arts institution to facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs for its employees.
- Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent two African-American taxpayers in Minnesota who are challenging the unauthorized use of state funding for elective abortions
- ADF attorneys represent Christian soccer camp prohibited from distributing fliers on public sidewalks
- Citizens sue to protect marriage in Wisconsin