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- A New Jersey hospital agreed to stop forcing nurses to assist in abortions after a federal court issued a temporary restraining order against the hospital.
- Third success story in three years involving Christian clubs at Long Island public schools
- Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys defend women’s right to know the truth about abortion and the rights of parents to be involved in their minor children’s medical care.
- U.S. Supreme Court allows ruling against Utah memorial crosses to stand
- Churches put brakes on illegal driveway tax
- Judge orders Washington town to stop enforcing problematic ordinance against man, may now freely hand out tracts while case moves forward
- University of Wisconsin denies Christian student groups equal access to mandatory student fee funding.
- University of Montana School of Law agrees to revise policy regarding funding to Christian student groups
- ADF lawsuit sparked by ban on ‘Christmas story hour’ invitations results in approval of Christian-themed fliers, but school decides to scrap take-home program
- Florida law prohibiting anyone without “legitimate business” from being near a school struck down after it was used to prohibit distribution of Bibles on public sidewalks.