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- Alliance Defending Freedom, German group submit friend-of-the-court brief in favor of persecuted family
- Libertarian same-sex marriage supporters among those backing freedom to decline participation in same-sex ceremonies
- Alliance Defending Freedom submits brief in pivotal European case regarding doctor-prescribed death for woman not terminally ill
- Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent ‘Family Talk’ and its president
- Alliance Defending Freedom asks officials to bring policies in line with 3rd Circuit decision
- New lawsuit opposes Obamacare’s ongoing attack of religious freedom
- Alliance Defending Freedom represents Conestoga Wood Specialties in lawsuit against Obama administration
- University settles lawsuit, will remove ban on student fee funding for ‘political or ideological’ student organizations
- Alliance Defending Freedom attorney is special assistant attorney general in defense of state law
- State agency erroneously thinks disability benefits for hearing-impaired child would be unconstitutional