The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s signing Monday of H 578, a bill that ensures faith-based adoption and foster care providers are free to serve children in need and work with the state to find loving, forever homes for kids:
“Every child deserves a loving home that can provide them stability and opportunities to grow. Faith-based adoption and foster care providers have served children looking for loving homes for centuries while living out their sincerely held religious beliefs. Yet, in states like Oregon, children have been denied safety and care because government officials have chosen to put politics over people. The sad reality is that when the government can discriminate against people of faith, vulnerable children suffer. We applaud Idaho for prioritizing the well-being of kids by prohibiting state and local government officials from discriminating against adoption and foster care providers and parents simply because of their religious beliefs and moral convictions. This law helps children benefit from as many adoption and foster care agencies as possible, faith- and non-faith-based alike. We commend Senate Majority Leader Kelly Anthon, Rep. Megan Blanksma, and the Idaho Legislature for their leadership on this and Gov. Little for signing this bill into law to keep faith-based adoption and foster care providers free to serve children in need. Children always deserve loving families. More adoption and foster care providers mean more children can find a loving forever home—that’s keeping kids first.”
- Pronunciation guide: Chafuen (CHAFF’-wen)
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.
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