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Showing 13 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2018 04 06 supporting free speech does not mean you have to agree with that speech"
  • … buckets of something that seems to do for them what catnip does for the feline set. Most of all, the 9-year-old loves a … pledge from district officials to respect students’ free speech rights. Later that day, she sent Lydia’s principal, …
  • … resources department of a local hospital, pouring her free time into Jonah, church, and volunteer work alongside … of business. It’s a law that explicitly targets the free speech of pro-life pregnancy centers like Branches, and it’s … a point of bringing the name of Jesus into everything she does. She never hides the fact that she’s serving Him first.” …
  • … of the children entrusted to them. That would also mean supporting the behavior that might come with the child’s … crucial points, Widmalm-Delphonse says. “One, freedom of speech. They’re asking applicants to speak the state’s … Widmalm-Delphonse says, the state’s actions undercut the free exercise of religion. “They’re excluding Christians, as …
  • … day, Liam’s fellow students had plenty of comments — all supporting what he’d done. Some had never said anything about … board members made no comment. But someone recorded Liam’s speech and posted it online. It quickly went viral. … the school had no respect for Liam’s First Amendment free speech protections. The time had come for more serious …
  • … in 1981, we had two children in private school and were not satisfied with the results. We attended a homeschool … and partnered with us, and been a tremendous help in supporting that. It’s an uphill battle to win anything. But ADF does win, and they have the expertise to do it. Their …
  • … Tampa, Florida. Some scamper in alone, some with a friend. Not a few are escorted more quietly by their moms — mostly … coordinate services that bring neighborhood uplift.” FAMA does its lifting via health fairs, youth recreation programs, … Alfred’s curiosity. He decided to visit it on his next free Sunday. Principal Terrence Fleming believes in teaching …
  • … work, running the wheelbarrows,” says her dad, Todd. “It’s not easy. But Maggie had a good attitude, never a complaint. … as well as Maggie’s constitutionally protected right of free speech. A few weeks later, a number of art therapy students …
  • … years, their father delivered a solemn warning: “If any of you girls gets pregnant, we’re done — you’re gone.” That was … a gnawing question remained: should she have the baby, or not? The advocate didn’t give up. She called the next evening, inviting Eva to return for a free ultrasound. Eva agreed … and that’s when everything …
  • … presence gives a voice to millions of Americans who have been underrepresented at this elite level: conservative … to look at the Supreme Court bench and remember we're not alone. In part because of our religious convictions, we … That choice should be celebrated and supported. It does, however, have the unintended consequence of reducing …
  • You might think a commitment to protecting unborn life would … things that people had saidabout me — people I should have trusted, people I did trust. I was really surprised by … unmotivated to continue studying. I’d sit in the back and not participate in what was going on. My grades went down. …