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Showing 26 results for "detailspages press release details adf planned parenthood must report sexual assault of children"
  • … Allie Beth Stuckey Support ADF Now Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines … marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. We are committed to ensuring people, like you, who … the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest …
  • … marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. We are committed to ensuring people, like you, who … the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest … across the country, and we’ve played a role in over [adf:scotus_assist_count] victories at the United States …
  • … needed in defending the unborn across the country Support ADF Now “Alliance Defending Freedom is a proven and … to protect life. Clients don’t have to pay a penny for ADF’s legal services. When you and others give, ADF can focus on serving those in need and saving lives, instead of the financial burdens of litigating a case. God has shown …
  • … have a fundamental human right to direct the upbringing of their children. Support ADF Now “Religious liberty may be the most significant civil …
  • children — like so many others — the relative isolation of homeschooling was wearing a little thin. Time for a break. … Adoptive Family Training program. The lesson centered on sexual orientation and gender identity. An instructor … Creative v. Elenis . In that case — successfully argued by ADF attorneys last year — the High Court held that the state …
  • … It’s breakfast time at Grant Park Christian Academy. Children filter in from all corners of the one-mile-square, low-income neighborhood in East … willing to take on the case himself, but he suggested that ADF might be even better positioned to do so. He made a call. …
  • … Do you know what your children and grandchildren are being taught in school? One … free online training, Parental Rights in the Face of Critical Theory . This forty-five minute, online event will feature our top-tier ADF attorneys and parental rights experts who will equip you …
  • … Washington, D.C. ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit against the city of Washington, … Life of America sought to paint a similar mural outside a Planned Parenthood facility with the message “Black Pre-Born Lives …
  • … find anyone familiar with the rule. She decided it must have been a mistake. Lydia had worn the same mask plenty … saying masks should carry “no political, religious, sexual, or obscene gestures or symbols.” Jennifer’s heart … Booth Someone recommended Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) to the Booths, as a group that might come to their …
  • … young wife and aspiring English professor when an NPR news report changed her life. It was January 22, 1973. And while Peggy had encountered the issue of abortion during her undergraduate studies on the West … delivering presentations on abortion and the sanctity of life in living rooms and church basements to anyone who …