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Showing 41 results for "media archive news releases page 17"
  • Why did the government attack a homeless ministry?
  • The Biden administration wants to force Christian colleges to put males in female dorms.
  • … as sore losers. Everyone is afraid of retaliation from the media, from the kids around their school, from other … as sore losers. Everyone is afraid of retaliation from the media, from the kids around their school, from other …
  • One church in the Bronx borough of New York City spent two decades fighting for the ability to meet in public spaces.
  • Scott Hoffman and his wife have had the privilege of watching God transform hundreds of lives through the ministry of the Ocean Grove campground. After the Civil War, a group of Methodists founded the campground on the shores of New Jersey as a place for the “perpetual worship of Jesus Christ.”
  • … it all, Jack has endured the spotlight of the national media, lost a big part of his business, and had to let … of which is now at the Colorado Supreme Court. While the media has covered the Masterpiece cases extensively, most … it all, Jack has endured the spotlight of the national media, lost a big part of his business, and had to let …
  • It was the start of a new school year and Janelle Poukamissas was excited as she walked into a planning meeting with the other student leaders of the Ichthus Club, a Christian student club at Half Hollow Hills High School East on Long Island, New York.
  • Christian Andzel’s pro-life club was charged almost $650 to hold a debate when other campus groups didn’t have to pay anything.
  • Learn more about the landmark Supreme Court case Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, and how a church in Missouri won a major victory for religious liberty.
  • Two days a week, five hours per day, for the last 14 years, Eleanor McCullen has stood on the sidewalk outside a Boston Planned Parenthood facility trying to persuade mothers not to abort their babies.