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Showing 47 results for "News PRDetail 8156"
  • … the events of the day. “Mama,” Lydia said, “I’ve got bad news.” Her computer lab teacher, she said, had warned her … heart skipped a beat. A principal calling had to mean bad news. “We’re going to have to replace Lydia’s mask,” the …
  • Another Photographer Is Taking a Stand for Freedom — This Time in Kentucky
  • In 1991, Sue Thayer took a job at her local Iowa Planned Parenthood as an entry-level assistant.
  • … right as I did, I found out I was pregnant again.” This news was the culmination of her fears. “I was living with my …
  • … prying out each other’s secrets and boldly proclaiming news of the day. They giggle and whisper, stealing frequent, … discrimination to include gender identity, “that was bad news for every public, charter, and secular private school. …
  • Since the beginning, the Stormans have run their business consistent with their Christian faith. That faith informs their decisions about their stores, from the way they interact with employees and their community, to their decision to not stock early abortifacient drugs, like the morning-after pill (Plan B) and ella in Ralph’s Thriftway’s pharmacy.
  • The Biden administration wants to force Christian colleges to put males in female dorms.
  • Winning two cases, including a Supreme Court case, should have settled this. Yet cake artist Jack Phillips finds himself in court a third time.
  • … Director, ADF Center for Academic Freedom “The good news,” Langhofer says, “is that we are succeeding in …
  • Track athletes Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, and Alanna Smith are taking a stand against harmful policies that allow male athletes to compete against women.