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Showing 362 results for "sanctity of life page 17"
  • … pattern will shape the beliefs, dispositions, and habits of our lives. It is no mistake, then, that the cultural … are living this out by dedicating the month of June to Life (celebrating the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade … Our Days: A Response to Pride Month … 20497 … pro-lifesanctity of life … gender … culture … Teach Us to Number Our …
  • … Rather, nonprofits are focused on charitable purposes. Of course, charitable efforts predate any organized form of … to secure Generational Wins in the five key areas below: Life is safeguarded – Guaranteeing the right to life from … to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God’s design for …
  • … 2024 Editor’s note: The following piece is an  adaptation  of written testimony presented to the House Oversight and … posited that the baby within her was merely “potential life.” But today, in a post- Roe America, that same young … Erin Hawley’s Remarks … 18824 … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … Congress … congressional hearing … U.S. …
  • … Not Know: How ADF Helped Overturn Roe v. Wade Many years of planning and tireless work paid off in the historic Dobbs … May 3, 2023 Revised January 10, 2024 Many in the pro-life movement worked their entire lives for the day that Roe … Wade … 20394 … abortion … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … Supreme Court of the United States … What …
  • … University Demands Trigger Warning for Pro-Life Display Ellen Wittman challenged policies at her … 3, 2023 Revised December 1, 2023 During her senior year of high school, Ellen Wittman stood on stage with Dr. Ben … of Ohio-Hamilton … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … University Demands Trigger Warning for …
  • … The MED Act: Why We Must Preserve Rights of Conscience for Medical Professionals The MED Act allows … because of her Catholic faith. Cathy knows that all life is created by God and worthy of protection, and Mount … conscience … legislation … religious freedom … abortion … sanctity of life … gender … The MED Act: Why We Must Preserve …
  • … Defending Freedom, focusing on issues concerning the sanctity of life and religious freedom. Originally from Reedley, CA, she …
  • … senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Center for Life, where he litigates across the spectrum of matters involving constitutional freedoms and the sanctity of life. Previously, Garrison was a partner at Husch …
  • … August 16, 2022 Revised June 5, 2024 “They saved my life,” says ADF client Jean Marie Davis, human trafficking overcomer and executive director of Branches Pregnancy Center in Brattleboro, Vermont. “I am … About Pregnancy Centers … 18916 … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … pregnancy centers … The Truth About …
  • … What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life? The dictionary definition of 'pro-life' doesn’t tell … to Be Pro-Life? … 18636 … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … end of life … abortion … pro-choice … …